
Official Band Website

Metora Cliffs Web: HomepageClick me
Metora Web

Metora Cliffs Web is the official website for Metora Cliffs, a video game-inspired progressive metal band that composes songs with a Nintendo-esque vibe. The website is developed with a video game theme to reflect the band's unique style and energy. It is built using modern web technologies such as Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS, and incorporates a variety of cutting-edge features like Framer Motion, Intersection Observers, Particle.js, React Spring, Atropos JS, and React Toastify for a visually stunning and engaging user experience. The website is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring that users have a consistent experience across all platforms.

End-to-End Encrypted Messaging Platform

Cryptic Chat: Log In
Cryptic Chat

Cryptic Chat is a highly secure and privacy-focused messaging platform developed using React JS. By implementing robust encryption algorithms, it ensures end-to-end encryption, guaranteeing that user communications remain confidential and safeguarded against unauthorized access. The integration of an open-source GraphQL API enables seamless and efficient data transmission, allowing Cryptic Chat to seamlessly integrate with diverse systems. Additionally, the platform leverages a blockchain-based key store, bolstering the security framework by securely managing encryption keys and providing an added layer of protection against unauthorized entities. With a strong emphasis on user privacy and utilizing cutting-edge technologies, Cryptic Chat offers a professional and trustworthy messaging solution that prioritizes data security in today's digital landscape.

Conway's Game of Life - Javascript

Game Of Life
Game Of Life JS

This implementation showcases Conway's Game of Life using JavaScript, an intriguing cellular automaton conceived by the esteemed British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. The game unfolds on a two-dimensional grid consisting of cells, each existing in either an alive or dead state. The game progresses through successive generations based on a set of rules that govern the survival or demise of each cell. The underlying principles of the game involve the following rules: Firstly, any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors perishes due to underpopulation. Secondly, a live cell with two or three live neighbors persists into the subsequent generation. Thirdly, any live cell with more than three live neighbors succumbs to overpopulation and dies. Lastly, a dead cell precisely sur by three live neighbors springs to life through reproduction. This implementation delves into the intricacies of Conway's Game of Life, providing a professional and insightful exploration of this captivating mathematical simulation.